Romance Writer Problems: Everything is Dirty

It’s August and I’m going to a music festival on an island. No fancy post this week, but here’s a compilation of Romance Writer Problems so you can snicker over the words of some funny people and, who knows, check out their books if you need something to read for your own vacation–or staycation…

This time we’re looking at the Romance Writer Problem of “Everything is Dirty.” Do we write smutty stories because we have smutty thoughts? Or do we have smutty thoughts because we write smutty stories? Chicken or egg, romance authors see potential sexy stories wherever they go.

Romance Writer Problems: Everything is Dirty

Allison Temple:  “Mr. Temple just used the phrase “meat stir stick” and honestly, it’s like he doesn’t even know me. ”

Laura Brown: “Problems with being a romance writer: impossible to just appreciate a nice, hot, dad at the playground without making him a character…”

Farrah Rochon: “Totally thought I was about to witness a proposal in Starbucks, but the guy was just tying his shoe.”

Eileen Richards: “The joys of working from home: hunky neighbor mowing lawn shirtless.”

Suleikha Snyder: “There were a bunch of cops on the subway platform. All I could focus on were the handcuffs hanging from their belts.”

Cardeno C: “getting a vivid image in my head when people on a work call talk about someone “bending them over” to get a deal.”

Tamsen Parker: “Three dudes and a woman just walked into this coffee shop and now I’m totally writing a menage for them in my head”

Jodie Griffin: “When you read Scranton as Scrotum.”

Nazarea Andrews: “The problem with being a romance writer is you can make *anything* sound dirty and suggestive. Or maybe that’s just a being me problem.”

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