Romance Writer Problems: Prudish Technology

Hey, there was supposed to a post on the blog yesterday. But I’m sick! And starting to worry about my deadline at the end of October! So here’s a filler post to hopefully make you snicker: #romancewriterprobelms with technology.

Most romance writers these days rely on our computers, smart phones, and all the programs they contain to get stories out of our heads and into the world. But sometimes the tech is less than helpful! If autocorrect has ever ducked up your words, this installment of romance writer problems is for you!

Romance Writer Problems with Prudish Technology

Sarina Bowen: “Microsoft Word does not know the word “tatas?” Puh-lease.”

Amy Jo Cousins: “When your phone autocorrects “preens” to “peens.””

Zoe York / Ainsley Booth: “I just had to train my computer that “clit” does NOT need to be auto-corrected to “clot”.”

Liz Lincoln: “Dragon dictation is a prude. My hero keeps rubbing his kayak on my heroine’s Clint.”

Racheline Maltese: “Phone keeps trying to change “subby” to “sunny” and sure, but no.”

Georgia Beers: “Dog walking is great for working through plot points. If only Siri understood what I was saying…”

Lucy Hudson: “Trying to create facebook ads that won’t get banned is giving me a headache.”

Kate Perrin:  “Wonton and wanton are very different words.”

Christina Rose Andrews: “Sentence: “she leaned in to kiss him.”
Google Docs: Learned
Me: No… That’s not how this works.”

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