Snow Day and Schedule Changes

snowy branches

Snow Snow Snow

We’ve had several days of snow here in Seattle, and several more to come. In many places this would not be cause for comment, but in a temperate city which has made no great investment in snow clearing equipment it ends up being a Big Deal. Plus the weather annoyingly hovers right around freezing, which is perfect for ice formation.  Long story short, instead of working productively on the book revisions which are due to my copy editor in *checks calendar* four days, I’ve been either shoveling snow or entertaining a snowbound toddler.  Therefore, no blog post today.

Schedule Change

I’m also going to be focusing more on my writing moving forward, so the blog is going to update every second Monday, rather than every Monday going forward. That means the next post will be on Feb 25.

Anyone But the Earl

Cover for Anyone But the EarlHere’s a little about the book which is taking up my time! Anyone But the Earl is the first of my new historical sports romance series, The Whitford Crew. The sport in this series is rowing, though we’ll also have a bicycling heroine and I have plans for a spinoff bicycle racing series.)

Octavia Sewell is on track to be the next new York heiress to marry into the impoverished British aristocracy. There’s just one problem: the Earl of Brackley is a detestable bore. Fortunately, she has a plan that will scuttle her marriage prospects once and for all, leaving her free to follow her own interests. All she needs is to convince one of her brother’s friends to go along, and she know just which one she wants…

Set in the Gilded Age of 1896 New York, Anyone But the Earl includes…

  • a scandalous text describing the reproductive process,
  • a best friend to help a girl out of the trouble she’s gotten herself into,
  • midnight escapades,
  • meetings under assumed names,
  • Victorian flower language, and
  • insurance fraud

Add Anyone But the Earl on Goodreads

Sign up here to request an advanced reader copy!
I’ll be sending out 30 e-ARCs and 3 paper ARC (to North American addresses) at the beginning of April.

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